The choice of basic materials for the production of Spring Probe depends on several factors:
You will find below a list of some features. Keep in mind that our technical department is always available to give further details according to individual needs. In this way, we will find together the most suitable solution and we will produce Spring Probes according to your personal use and needs.
Copper Beryllium alloy is widely used for the production of Probe plungers. It is a material widely used in this field for its hardness and its high conductivity. Moreover, being easily workable, it is suitable for multiple applications.
Steel alloys are used to build plungers with a very aggressive head shape, as its extreme hardness ensures a service life longer than other materials.
Bronze metal alloy has characteristics of good electrical conductivity and good ductility, and for this reason is widely used in the production of Probe barrels.
Brass metal alloy is used to produce pipes and receptacles. It has a high electrical conductivity, is very easy to work and lends itself easily to all galvanic processes.
Nickel Silver alloy is used to build pipes and receptacles. It is a good conductor and is very easy to work with by cold deformation.
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